
TUNAP: Excellent, sustainable, certified

Whether cleaning, maintaining, protecting or lubricating: From active ingredient concentrates to finished aerosols, our customers receive the complete system from TUNAP. Always with the aim of providing customised services and chemical-technical products of the highest quality. TUNAP is also aware of its special responsibility as a manufacturer of chemical products in terms of efficiency, health and environmental compatibility.

TUNAP: Excellent, sustainable, certified

Reading time: ca. 3 min. | An article by Daniel Eisenschmid | TUNAP Blog

Our commitment: Highest quality

Whether cleaning, maintaining, protecting or lubricating: From the active ingredient concentrate to the finished aerosols, our customers receive the complete system from TUNAP. Always with the aim of delivering individual services and chemical-technical products of the highest quality. In addition, TUNAP is aware of its special responsibility as a manufacturer of chemical products with regard to efficiency, health and environmental compatibility.

We document this with certificates and test reports from independent institutions. For example, we work together with TÜV Süd in the area of ​​certification for our integrated management system (IMS). With the certification according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 we show you

  • that we use suitable methods and instruments to assess and - wherever possible - reduce the risk of injuries, accidents and work-related illnesses for all of our employees
  • promote environmental protection, reduce your own environmental impact and consistently pursue and implement the environmental goals you have set yourself
  • that quality and customer satisfaction are part of our day-to-day activities.

Successful certifications

With this certificate, TUNAP also undertakes to critically scrutinize itself at regular intervals, to identify possible optimization potential and to consistently make the necessary changes. The annual audits by TÜV Süd provide important impulses and reveal potential for improvement at TUNAP. And this is exactly where all TUNAP colleagues are called upon, because successful certification is inconceivable without the active participation of everyone.

In the certification cycle of 3 years, both the number of external auditors and the sample size at the two TUNAP sites in Lichtenau and Wolfratshausen vary from year to year. This year, a so-called repeat audit took place in which all areas were fully assessed.

After more than 160 audit hours with three auditors at the two German sites, the result was positive and TUNAP once again successfully passed the certification in the areas of quality, environment and occupational safety.