Success Stories

TUNAP is a finalist for the German Sustainability Award Design

TUNAP was named a finalist for the 14th German Sustainability Award Design for its innovative, plastic-free aerosol packaging. The recyclable cardboard cap, developed in collaboration with TU Dresden and OecoPac, demonstrates how sustainable packaging technologies can help reduce environmental impact.

TUNAP is a finalist for the German Sustainability Award Design

Reading time: ca. 3 min. | An article by Elisabeth Vag | TUNAP Blog

New possibilities thanks to sustainable packaging technology

When we speak about sustainability at TUNAP, we think first and foremost about our products. Specifically, their ingredients. These should always be better compatible with health and the environment and expose the user to as few risks as possible. We also like to think about the application of the products: it should be as targeted and economical as possible, extend the life of the parts to be treated and deliver an optimal result.

However, we hardly ever think about the packaging. But sometimes we do. And it seems we should do it more often, because our first foray in this direction was a direct hit.

Together with the Technical University of Dresden and the packaging manufacturer OecoPac, we have developed a technology that allows us to produce conventional plastic caps for aerosols and even entire aerosol packages from cardboard. In other words, we can do without any plastic at all, except for the valve and the spray head, and without any metal in the packaging.

Especially for the caps, this technology is highly interesting: the cap can be made of 100% recycled paper and cardboard and it is 100% recyclable again after use. It also has even higher stability than traditional plastic caps. And it is fully customizable. We can't decide which we find more awesome: the plastic-free recycling aspect or the countless design possibilities.

Dr. Volker Knöthig (Director R&D) and Elisabeth Vag (Director Sales Operations) for TUNAP at the presentation of the 14th German Sustainability Award.


TUNAP at the 14th German Sustainability Award

This also convinced the jury of the German Sustainability Award: TUNAP was chosen as a finalist in the 14th German Sustainability Award competition. In the end, we did not win the prize. The media attention and recognition by such an important body however, fill us with pride and more than compensated for our efforts.

Success story 1.0 - to be continued.